
  1. Services: Refers to the establishment, maintenance, and/or closure of an Account, along with any associated services.

  2. Tax Authority: Denotes any tax authority or tax information authority with jurisdiction over Ideals Finance.

  3. Unauthenticated Instructions: Encompasses any communication, whether via telephone, telex, facsimile, or electronic mail transmission, provided by the customer concerning the Services.

  4. Visa Card: Represents any Visa prepaid card issued by Ideals Finance under these Terms and Conditions.

  5. Visa Cardholder Agreement: Signifies the cardholder agreement or equivalent terms applicable to Visa Cards, as determined by Ideals Finance.


(a) These Terms and Conditions apply to each Account held at Ideals Finance, superseding any prior terms and conditions.

(b) These Terms and Conditions complement any existing or future Services agreement between the customer and Ideals Finance. In case of a conflict, these Terms and Conditions yield, unless expressly stated otherwise.

(c) Continued utilization of any Account or Services implies the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, subject to potential amendments by Ideals Finance without prior notice.

Application Forms:

(a) The customer asserts that they possess the authority to sign any Application Form and that the provided information is accurate.

(b) The customer commits to notifying Ideals Finance of any changes affecting the Account's operation within 30 days, agreeing that failure to do so empowers Ideals Finance to suspend or terminate related Services.

(c) The customer acknowledges that an Application Form's completion doesn't guarantee Account establishment, permitting Ideals Finance to verify information independently and exchange financial details with relevant entities.

Operation of Accounts:

(a) The customer confirms the beneficial ownership of all funds deposited into an Account.

(b) Ideals Finance may debit an Account for dishonored Instruments or required refunds, along with associated costs.

(c) Customer waives certain rights regarding Instruments, and Ideals Finance is authorized to present, collect, or withdraw Instruments through designated agents.

(d) The customer indemnifies Ideals Finance from Losses arising from the application of laws within jurisdictions where Instruments are payable.

(e) Ideals Finance is authorized to pay and debit Accounts for relevant transactions and charges.

(f) Ideals Finance may vary interest rates on an Account and apply credit balances against debts.

(g) Ideals Finance may set off matured obligations between the customer and the bank without notice.

(h) The terms apply to each Account held by the customer across Ideals Finance branches.

(i) The customer pledges not to hinder, delay, or engage in unlawful conduct or use of Services affecting Ideals Finance or its creditors.

5. Personal, Business, and Trust Accounts:

(a) An Account within Ideals Finance is designated for personal or business banking needs, as declared by the customer.

(b) Unless specified otherwise in writing, the customer certifies that no Account is utilized on behalf of a third party. Even with such notice, if the customer holds funds as a trustee or fiduciary, Ideals Finance is not responsible for ensuring the funds' use aligns with trustee or fiduciary duties.

(c) In the case of any Account titled “in trust for” or “ITF” or equivalent, the customer remains the sole account holder, and the alleged beneficiary is not recognized as a customer of Ideals Finance.

6. Overdrafts:

(a) Ideals Finance may establish, modify, make payable, or revoke an overdraft limit for an Account. Overdrawn Accounts incur fees and interest based on Ideals Finance's prevailing rates.

(b) Regardless of past practices, Ideals Finance may decline to honor withdrawal requests or payment requests if there are insufficient available funds, including any overdraft limit.

7. Foreign Currency Deposits:

(a) Ideals Finance, at its discretion and upon customer request, may open Foreign Currency Account(s) in the customer's name.

(b) The current credit balance in such Foreign Currency Accounts is withdrawable through specified means, and Ideals Finance may honor instruments drawn by the customer against a Foreign Currency Account.

(c) Customer indemnifies Ideals Finance for Losses incurred by honoring such instruments as if they were cheques.

(d) Credit balances in Foreign Currency Accounts may be held with Ideals Finance's correspondent, subject to relevant regulations.

(e) The customer assumes full responsibility for consequences arising from taxes, regulations, or restrictions, authorizing Ideals Finance to debit associated charges from Foreign Currency Accounts.

8. Fixed Term Deposits:

(a) Ideals Finance may accept Fixed Term Deposits upon customer request, providing a Certificate of Deposit Receipt stipulating essential terms.

(b) Repayment of a Fixed Term Deposit is only possible at the issuing branch upon surrender of the corresponding Certificate of Deposit Receipt.

(c) Renewed Fixed Term Deposits follow the terms applicable before maturity, with interest adjusted to prevailing rates.

(d) Upon maturity, payment is made by draft or as instructed, relieving Ideals Finance of related responsibilities.

(e) In the case of joint Depositors, the Bank follows specified instructions for remittances.

(f) In joint Deposits with survivorship rights, after confirmation of a depositor's death, remittances favor the surviving account holders.

(g) Ideals Finance adheres to applicable laws, regulations, or orders concerning Fixed Term Deposits.

(h) Withdrawals before maturity are prohibited, and Ideals Finance may require 30 days' notice for permitted withdrawals, levying a substantial interest penalty.

Early Withdrawal Penalty: If Ideals Finance grants a withdrawal request before maturity, the greater of the loss of accrued interest or $150 (or currency equivalent), plus 1% of the principal, shall be levied. Replacement funding costs may also apply at the bank's discretion.

Waiver Of Penalty: In the event of a depositor's death or legal incompetence, the penalty will be waived.

9. Electronic Banking:

(a) Ideals Finance is authorized to accept and/or honor each Electronic Banking Service (EBS) Transaction based on given instructions, debiting or crediting the Account accordingly. The Bank’s records are conclusive in this regard.

(b) The EBS Service is exclusive to the customer, following Ideals Finance's instructions, and must not exceed specified limits. It does not grant the right to overdraw an Account unless agreed otherwise.

(c) The confidentiality of the EBS Security Code is crucial. It should not be written down, disclosed to others, or used in conjunction with personal identification numbers or security codes associated with the Bank's cards. Any unauthorized access due to code exposure holds the customer responsible, and Ideals Finance disclaims liability for resulting losses.

(d) If the customer suspects the EBS Security Code's compromise, immediate notice to the Bank is required, followed by a code change as per the Bank's instructions. Until notice or a code change, Ideals Finance is authorized to debit the Account for sums withdrawn or transferred using the EBS Service.

(e) If the EBS Security Code is disclosed or known by unauthorized persons, Ideals Finance may involve the police and provide necessary information.

(f) EBS Transactions undergo verification and acceptance by the Bank. Transactions after 5:00 pm are valued on the following Business Day. Payments executed through EBS Transactions may take up to 3 Business Days to process.

(g) Ideals Finance is not liable for delays, losses, or inconveniences caused by EBS Service malfunctions or operational failures. The Bank disclaims liability for losses related to unauthorized access or disputes with payees.

(h) Ideals Finance may withdraw permission or terminate the EBS Service without notice, not being liable for resulting losses.

(i) The customer can terminate the EBS Service with 30 days' written notice. Any liabilities incurred before termination remain.

(j) Ideals Finance may set and alter limits for EBS Transactions, communicated to the customer.

(k) Ideals Finance considers the transaction record produced by the computer or machine at the time of each EBS Transaction as correct and conclusive, treated as the customer's written instructions.

(l) The customer must pay the Bank’s service charges, EBS Transaction charges, and fees applicable at prevailing rates, debited from the customer’s Account without notice.

(m) Information collected by Ideals Finance may be used in relation to providing the EBS Service, determining the customer’s financial position, and promoting the EBS Service, shared with relevant parties, including credit bureaus.

10. Visa Cards:

(c) In the case of any Additional Visa Card issued by Ideals Finance, the Customer undertakes:

(i) to be liable for all charges related to the Additional Visa Card, (ii) to ensure compliance by each Additional Visa Card Holder with the specified Terms and Conditions, terms on the Additional Visa Card, and the Visa Cardholder Agreement, (iii) to indemnify and hold Ideals Finance harmless from any Losses resulting from non-compliance.

(d) To cancel a Visa Card, Customer must:

(i) Notify Ideals Finance in writing, (ii) Cut the Visa Card in half, (iii) Return both halves to Ideals Finance.

(e) If the Visa Cardholder Agreement is terminated, all Visa and Additional Visa Cards related to the corresponding Account(s) will be automatically cancelled.

(f) By signing any Visa Card application form, Customer:

(i) Confirms the truthfulness and accuracy of all statements and disclosures therein, (ii) Authorizes Ideals Finance to verify the source of funds through exchanges of information with other financial institutions, credit bureaus, and relevant parties, (iii) Agrees to indemnify and hold Ideals Finance, its affiliates, and subsidiaries harmless from resulting Losses.

11. Withdrawals, Deposits, and Rates:

(a) Ideals Finance reserves the right to refuse:

(i) Acceptance of a deposit to an Account for any reason, (ii) Providing a cash withdrawal from an Account for any reason.

(b) Ideals Finance is not obligated to pay cash in any currency other than Cayman Islands Dollars.

(c) Rates on foreign currency transactions may change at any time, subject to market conditions at the time of execution.

12. Standing Orders:

(a) If insufficient funds exist for executing a standing order, the instruction may not be processed, and after three failed attempts, the standing order may be cancelled.

(b) The Bank is not liable for consequential Losses resulting from insufficient funds when executing standing order instructions.

13. Joint Accounts:

(a) Joint Account holders are treated equally, regardless of the initial opening or later joint arrangement.

(b) Any one Account holder may give instructions, and upon the death or winding up of a joint Account holder, surviving Customers continue until no surviving Customer remains.

(c) Each Account holder must authorize the opening, closing, addition, or removal of any Account holder.

(d) Upon closing a joint Account, proceeds are disbursed as directed jointly by all Account holders or, in default, by cheque or bank draft payable to all Account holders.

(e) Liabilities and obligations owed to the Bank in a joint Account are owed jointly and severally by all Account holders.

14. Communications and Instructions:

(a) Customer requests Ideals Finance to rely upon and authorize action upon any Unauthenticated Instructions.

(b) Customer waives claims against the Bank for acting or not acting based on Unauthenticated Instructions and agrees to indemnify the Bank for resulting Losses.

(c) Customer consents to audio recording and closed-circuit television usage for security purposes.

(d) Ideals Finance may rely on information provided by Customer for any transaction and correct any incorrect transactions upon discovery.

(e) Customer is responsible for routing instructions, and Ideals Finance may use correspondents, agents, funds transfer systems, and intermediary banks.

(f) Ideals Finance may verify the authenticity of an authorized signature and is not liable for the consequences of forgery unless readily detectable.

(g) Notices to Customer will be sent through various means, and all notices to Ideals Finance take effect upon actual receipt.

(h) Customer's instructions to Ideals Finance are only effective upon actual receipt at the Bank's branch or any other address specified by the Bank in writing.

15. Dormant and Inactive Accounts:

(a) An Account with no Customer-initiated transactions for one year may incur inactivity fees as specified by the Bank. The Customer can reactivate the Account following the Bank's policies and procedures.

(b) An Account inactive for seven years or more may be subject to forfeiture to the Cayman Islands government under the Dormant Accounts Law.

16. Statements:

(a) Customer must verify the correctness of account statements. If statements and vouchers are not received within the stipulated time, Customer should obtain them from the Bank.

(b) Customer must notify the Bank of any alleged omissions, inaccuracies, or debits wrongly made within 30 days of receiving the statements.

(c) After 30 days, statements are conclusive evidence, except for notified errors and payments on forged endorsements, and the Bank shall be free from all claims except the mentioned exceptions.

17. Closure:

(a) Customer may terminate an Account at any time upon written notice, effective upon actual receipt by the Bank.

(b) The Bank may withdraw or terminate an Account or Services upon 15 days' notice (sooner in urgent circumstances), with no liability for Losses except those caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct. These Terms and Conditions survive closure, termination, or withdrawal.

18. Customer Information and Compliance:

(a) The Bank won't disclose Customer Information unless legally required, with public duty, Customer's consent, or as provided in these Terms.

(b) Customer Information may be collected, used, and shared for proper business purposes, maintaining confidentiality as per these Terms.

(c) Customer consents to processing, transfer, and disclosure of Customer Information for various purposes, including identity verification, Financial Crime Risk Management Activity, credit checks, and enforcement of rights.

(d) Customer must inform the Bank of any changes to Customer Information promptly.

(e) The Bank is not liable for Losses due to delays or failures in performing obligations caused by steps taken in accordance with Compliance Obligations.

19. Reporting:

(a) Customer is responsible for reporting or complying with obligations imposed by relevant jurisdictions, including tax and trade restrictions.

(b) Non-compliance may result in the Bank ceasing services, blocking or closing an Account, terminating the business relationship, or levying charges.

(c) If Customer doesn't provide accurate information, the Bank may report relevant information to a Tax Authority or withhold required amounts according to applicable law.

20. Indemnification and Liability:

(a) Customer agrees to indemnify the Bank from all Losses incurred in dealing with any Account-related issues, responding to Authorities, or complying with government directives.

(b) The Bank's liability is limited to direct Losses caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct, excluding consequential or indirect Losses.

21. Miscellaneous:

(a) The Bank may, at its discretion, hold, freeze, or restrict funds and defer withdrawals based on receipt of funds and knowledge of unusual or suspicious activities.

(b) Customer agrees to produce additional documentation as required by the Bank.

(c) Customer may not grant security interest to anyone other than the Bank in any funds in an Account.

(d) The Bank doesn't provide legal or tax advice; Customer should seek independent advice.

22. Construction and Other Matters:

(a) Various construction elements are defined, including singular/plural interpretations, gender inclusions, and references to statutes or documents.

(b) Delay or omission by the Bank in exercising rights doesn't waive those rights.

(c) The Bank's rights and remedies are cumulative and not exclusive.

(d) If any provision becomes illegal or invalid, other provisions remain unaffected.

(e) These Terms don't confer rights on third parties.

(f) Customer can't assign rights or obligations; the Bank may assign to affiliates.

23. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

(a) These Terms are governed by Cayman Islands laws.

(b) Customer agrees to the exclusive jurisdiction of Cayman Islands courts for disputes arising from these Terms.

(c) The Bank may take proceedings in any jurisdiction

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